Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ethan is really into helping me cook lately - it is so much fun for both of us! Here's a "taste"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Year End Update

I really try not to be THAT Mom and show off my kids pics or brag about him, BUT...
I'm sorry.... HOW COULD I NOT? My parents have made an annual tradition of taking Ethan for winter photos. Well this year's photographer must have some crazy amazing talent - b/c here is my GQ boy! I was blown away...

I know I have not blogged in quite some time. we have had some camera issues that have made it impossible to upload new pics or video. But we are back on track now and I am really hopeful that I will be able to send more soon.

For any of you who do not know - My sister and I are expecting about the same time - here are some fun sister belly shots from her shower:

Things are well here. I am huge and growing by the day and we are excitedly getting ready for this baby girl. Jason has been completely amazing with getting the house ready and we have transformed rooms already.

Ethan is in TOTAL 3 year old mode - for those of you who know what I mean, take pity, those who have not hit it yet - watch out! He is precocious as EVER and still full of hysterical tid bits and lotsa yumminess.

This year, he REALLY understood what Chanukah was all about which was wonderful. He asked us many times who in his life celebrates Christmas and who Chanukah and it was awesome to see him connect to both rituals as different and one his but also both worthy and enjoyable. He also told us the Chanukah story a zillion times and announced one day thet Judah was the "LINE LEADER" of the Maccabees - you have to love the 3 year old mind! The only 'leader' he knows is the 'lone leader' at of course Judah must be one and the same - made us giggle for days...

So now that technology has been restored, I will post more fun stuff too. Meanwhile love and health to you all and may 2010 be a wonderful year for everyone and the world!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sukkot 5770

BIG NEWS in the Nevarez house. We (and by we I mean Jason) built our first EVER Sukkah! This is a major exciting moment for us and we are looking forward to celebrating in it all week. Chag Sameach to all who are celebrating.

Everyone is welcome to come by for a sit and a snack :-)

On the video, when Jason tells Ethan to say some Hebrew - it is Chag Sameach which means Happy Holiday... his pronunciation is a little off... Enjoy!

A HUGE THANK YOU AND MAZAL TOV to my amazing hubby for all his very hard work and dedication to this project - and look guys, he can build stuff!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Oh The Things a Nevarez 3 Year Old Will Say...

Most of you already know that I am pregnant - if not GUESS WHAT?! I'M PREGNANT!

Ethan is pretty much hot and cold into being interested in his pending sibling - however when he is interested, he is pretty cute about it - tonight however he took it from cute to hilarious. It went something like this:

Ethan walks over to me and puts his head on my Belly.

E: Mommy, is the baby in your tummy?

M: Yes

E: Mommy, your tummy is growing because the baby is growing in there.

M: Yes, E that's true

E: Mommy has a baby in her tummy. But the baby is not up in her boobs. It is all the way down in her tummy.

We (my in-laws who were at dinner with us included) crack up in uncontrollably audible laughter.

E: Abuelito (to Js Dad), Girls have boobs.

We continue to laugh hysterically.

E: Don't laugh because I said boobs.

NEED I SAY MORE? That's our boy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

MV 2009

Happy Vacation-ing Family.

Happy Ethan at the Beach -

We are so proud of Ethan's new love of the water - Thank you swim lessons - NO MORE FEAR!
awesome scallops - caught at the beach

the famous flying horses - oldest carousel in america! as long as Daddy is there Ethan will ride!

snuggled up in Grandpa's hammock.

Bike riding with Daddy - sooo fun!


Beautiful Sunset at Menemsha~

Fun at the Look's Pool -
Ethan can somersault!


Our Little Buzz

You all may have heard that E discovered TOY STORY on our Disney Cruise this Spring. He is in LOVE with Buzz Light Year and as luck would have it - Costco had a Buzz costume yesterday - well that made for one ecstatic E-Bear! Here are a few highlights - do not miss the video at the end!!

Our Little Buzz - ready for take off (this costume is SO cool - blow up wings and all!)

Big Buzz Muscles!!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life with a THREE year old Ethan...

Wednesday evening while playing at home -
ME: Ethan, Why did you bite Charlie today?
ETHAN: I'm not going to tell you why.
ME: But I am your Mommy and you should tell me everything.
ETHAN: Sometimes I do and Sometimes I don't.

I SWEAR - verbatum.... Gd help us in 10 years...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Annual Ethan Cupcakes!

I do not bake as many of you may know - BUT I make an annual homage to Betty Crocker when my little boy has a Birthday. And I must show off my wares as I feel kinda like super mom when I send homemade cupcakes to camp! Happy THIRD Birthday (wow!) my precious E-Bear.

father's day cuteness

This video needs to explanation and no commentary - it is just yummy cuteness all the way! What better Fathers Day Gift for J than this little amazing man!