Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Life with a THREE year old Ethan...

Wednesday evening while playing at home -
ME: Ethan, Why did you bite Charlie today?
ETHAN: I'm not going to tell you why.
ME: But I am your Mommy and you should tell me everything.
ETHAN: Sometimes I do and Sometimes I don't.

I SWEAR - verbatum.... Gd help us in 10 years...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Annual Ethan Cupcakes!

I do not bake as many of you may know - BUT I make an annual homage to Betty Crocker when my little boy has a Birthday. And I must show off my wares as I feel kinda like super mom when I send homemade cupcakes to camp! Happy THIRD Birthday (wow!) my precious E-Bear.

father's day cuteness

This video needs to explanation and no commentary - it is just yummy cuteness all the way! What better Fathers Day Gift for J than this little amazing man!