Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Shaaray Tefila Class 2A visited Rainbeau Ridge Farm this week! Ethan loved it - we saw lots and lots of baby goats, some were only 2 days old! Enjoy some pics below...Ethan skeptically glances at the goat which is clearly set on eating him...

oops... looks like the goat has the upper hand...
Total Surrender!

Ethan's very first pre-school class - Shaaray Tefila's Class 2A....and a goat :-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Ethan is often known as the chutzpah child - I have been calling him this for at least a year... and today he epitomized this name when he informed me that:

"grown ups can not go in the bed (our bed) because it is very dangerous with dinosaurs and bears"

he then proceeded to scream at me that i should "GET OUT" and "LEAVE ME ALONE"

a few hours later as i discussed sternly with him that he needed to stop jumping on me while i am on the computer he uttered "Stop Saying THAT and I am not behaving"
Publish Post

for any of you that are counting he is 2 YEARS AND 10 MONTHS - not 16! May Gd have mercy on us in 10 years!

Monday, April 13, 2009

more things ethan says...

Just a few fun and yummy recent Ethanisms-these are of course, all verbatim:

Tonight at dinner at my Mom's:
"Thanks, Savta, for cooking the dinner - yummy, yum oh"

We visited the Natural History Museum this weekend for the first time with Aunt Nanci. When she showed Ethan the ancient civilization exhibit that depicted Egypt - he said
"That's where King Pharoah lives"

At the BIG TREE stump (a 1300 year old tree exhibit) he explained that
"When the tree is sick I will cut it down with my saw..."
I was just kind of amazed that he connected the proper use for a saw...

Here are some pics from our day at the Museum -

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ethan at Castaway Cay Beach

HERE IS A TID BIT FROM ETHAN ABOUT OUR DISNEY VACATION... as he happily plays on the beach at Castaway Cay of course!

the things ethan says...

here in the land of the 2.75 year old we are managing the ups and DOWNS of boundary testing, defiance and basically ethan's mission to make his parents lose all patience and cool ALL day EVERY day... however the battles have their moments of total hilarity and thank gd for the comic relief -

yesterday morning as we had our usual fight over breakfast he walked away from me and defiantly declared:"ACTUALLY, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS WITH YOU RIGHT NOW" this was by far the best in a list of recent comments such as "I AM VERY ANGRY AND I AM NOT BEHAVING" and another favorite "I DON'T" is in response to any and every thing he prefers not to do, which is basically anything we ask of him...

also as he continues to explore his limits he asks often "CAN I DO/PLAY WHATEVER WHAT I WANT IN HERE/RIGHT NOW?" also too adorable and very funny... i do my best to keep you all somewhat updated... as many of you know my friend molly has an AMAZING and very detailed blog of her son ( i will never even come close to her fabulousness... but at least whatever i can get out will be great to share at his wedding ....

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Few Disney Moments

The Nevarez Family on Castaway Cay - Disney's Private Island

Our glorious ship and J's artistry in photo taking :-)

the FLYING DUTCHMAN - a la Pirates of the Carribean - an actual ship floated for show on the shores of Castaway Cay

Our fabulous stateroom - spacious and with a balcony!

Every night a new towel creation left by our stateroom host - Francis - this was by far the most awesome!

We saw 2 really fabulous shows on board - this was the 1st - full sets and all - and Ethan is now obsessed with Buzz Light Year and Woody, of course!

It took a few character encounters for Ethan to decide he was ok and he kept asking "Are they in costumes?" much to the dismay of the Disney staff who are very clear that these guys are real - we shushed him around the other kids :-) Minnie was his FAVORITE... oy are we in trouble!

The main kid pool is shaped like Mickey and just the right size for Ethan splashing!

Ethan enjoys the view from our veranda.

the first day we spent at the pool at our hotel and saw close friends dave, candice and maya. the kids love eachother!